AC-FON Registration

The AC-FON is a network of Aged Care Finance leaders who are navigating a complex and ever-evolving business compliance framework.
CareCFO has founded the network to provide a collective voice for finance leaders to enhance the financial stewardship, viability and sustainability of the sector in an environment of collaboration and networking. 
To register to join AC-FON, please complete the below form. 


Membership Fees

Membership Fees are based on the size of the provider to ensure equity in accessing  AC-FON.

Have an affiliate?

Affiliate Finance Officers who wish to join AC-FON will receive a 50% discount on the above fees, as long as there is a current membership of a Finance Officer within the organisation.

Up to $5m turnover

Annual Revenue FY2022
$ 100
  • Membership fees do not include conference fees, travel or accommodation fees, or the costs of attending a networking dinner.
    Only members of the AC-FON will be invited to networking dinners and the annual conference.

Up to $10m turnover

Annual Revenue FY2022
$ 125
  • Membership fees do not include conference fees, travel or accommodation fees, or the costs of attending a networking dinner.
    Only members of the AC-FON will be invited to networking dinners and the annual conference.

Up to $15m turnover

Annual Revenue FY2022
$ 150
  • Membership fees do not include conference fees, travel or accommodation fees, or the costs of attending a networking dinner.
    Only members of the AC-FON will be invited to networking dinners and the annual conference.

Up to $20m+ turnover

Annual Revenue FY2022
$ 175
  • Membership fees do not include conference fees, travel or accommodation fees, or the costs of attending a networking dinner.
    Only members of the AC-FON will be invited to networking dinners and the annual conference.
This information remains confidential and is only used for the purpose of determining your membership fee.
This information will remain confidential and will be used by AC-FON to target relevant Partner participation
Note: this only an indication of interest, not confirmation of availability.
Note: this only an indication of interest, not confirmation of availability.
Affiliate Finance Officers who wish to join AC-FON will receive a 50% discount on the above fees, as long as there is a current membership of a Finance Officer within the organisation.